Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wright vs Piper

Pre Bout Weigh In
I am currently looking into the new perspective debate. I have read, but can only somewhat remember, Piper's book "The Future of Justification: A Response to N.T. Wright". And i am currently reading the response to Piper. N.T. Wright's book "Justification: God's plan and Paul's vision".

The view of Wright has caused a big spark in many Christian circles. And so i am happy to look into this debate with intrigue and report back what is going down (or who is going down as the case may be ).

Crowd involvement
If you have looked into the debate and would like to contribute your two cents worth, go for it.
If you havent even thought about it but would like to chip in, feel free to do so.


  1. What's the executive summary of both sides of the debate?

  2. Hmm. Wright wins this one by a knockout, but that doesn't mean that Wright is right.

  3. If you are wondering what each of them are weighing in at:

    1.Salvation is God’s rescue of the world itself. (against a individualistic view “he died for me”)
    2.Agrees with Salvation being from the grace of God, operating through the death of Jesus Christ in our place and on our behalf, and appropriated though faith alone. But he wants to see the spirit’s role in this also.
    3.Meaning of Justification. Wright says that many use salvation and justification in the same way. For Wright justification is about the work of Jesus the Messiah of Israel, being in a covenant (the covenant made with Abraham), focused on the divine lawcourt, and final justification.
    4.Justification declares someone that someone is a Christian.
    5.Justification isn’t the gospel.
    6.Justification is not by imputation of Jesus’ righteousness but covenant relationship.
    7.Wright righteousness of God as covenant faithfulness of God.
    8.Covenant is a key point to Wright’s understanding of Paul.

    1.Piper believes that people are saved by the gospel, the death and resurrection of Jesus.
    2.Justification is imputation of Jesus’ righteousness
    3.Justification alters relationship with God
    4.Justification is in the gospel.
    5.We become the righteousness of God – 2 Cor 5:21
