Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Knowing God???

On Sunday I gave a talk on Psalm 19. I have done this talk twice now at two different churches and it is a great passage that i wanted to share with you. I know it is long, but it is brief. If you have the time read through this as well as the passage, if you dont have the time then read the passage and think!!!!!

Knowing God?
In our society, which is pluralist (we accept more than one idea), how can we say we know the one true God?

With Dawkins and science how can we say there is a God? Aren’t we being stupid and irrational believing in a God who has no logical explanation and no proof for existence? These views attack the Christians ability and claim to know the truth.

But the Christian faith is held up in truth. The truth that there is one God, creator, law-giver and saviour. Psalm 19 describes some of the reasons for the Christian to claim they know the one true God.

Psalm 19 is David’s Psalm declaring how he knows God and how his knowledge of God has impacted his life.

God revealed in Creation
In Psalm 19:1-6 David describes creation revealing God. These verses remind me of a song ‘Indescribable’ by Chris Tomlin. I think these verses inspired the song. Both David and the song look at creation, it’s fine detail, it’s complexities, it’s magnificence and they come to the conclusion that there must be something behind it all. Something that is greater than us that could create it all. This something must be God, a powerful being. Powerful to control the sun, powerful to control the lightning, powerful to create everything. Creation reveals God.

Why can’t people understand this?

Romans 1:20-23.

Our sinful minds distort the truth. We cannot see God being revealed in creation.

God revealed in the Law.
Psalm 19:7-11 is another revelation of God. David describes the Law (Old Testament Law, which he also names: statutes, precepts, commands) as being of the LORD. They are of God or from God. they reveal God’s requirements on his creation. As he describes his requirements on creation he also describes his holiness and perfection. As God asks us to live a life that he lives.
David finds benefit from the Law. He compares the Law to pure gold. The Law for David is very valuable. Most people wouldn’t agree with David. They would say the Law is a killjoy, that it stops us from enjoying life. But the law is not a downgrading, punishment on people. It is not designed to suck the fun out of life. But it is to guide us to enjoy life to the full. The Law revives the soul, makes us wise, brings joy to our heart and enlightens our eyes. These are great things. Something that will always last as it endures forever, compare this to the options of this world that will not last (alcohol, sex, drugs, shopping, money, etc.). There is no comparison, God’s Law is awesome and valuable.

God our Rock and Redeemer
But we cannot do it ☹. David realises this. Psalm 19:12-14 is David reflecting on God revealed in creation and the Law and realising he not even close to God’s requirement for his world. David, like us all, sins. Knowing this he also understands this wont make him acceptable to God. Knowing God he understands that the almighty creator and Lawgiver can be his rock and redeemer. That God can help David to be acceptable.

This is where Christians find great comfort and joy. This is where the truth is greatly seen and experienced. God sent his son to be the Rock and Redeemer, so that through him we are acceptable to God (cf. Acts 4:8-12). Through Jesus our words and our meditations will be pleasing to God.

We can know God
Christians are confident that they know the truth. God has made it clear to them. He has revealed himself in creation and the Law. Most importantly and explicitly through his son, Jesus Christ.

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